Interview: Second Acts

Parler’s ousted CEO is trying for a second act.

I had the chance to sit down late last week with Steven Overly for the Politico Tech podcast to talk about my experiences, how they brought me to found Hedgehog and how we’re trying to address the challenges of social media today.

One point from the conversation that I think bears repeating:

“The platform does have serious responsibility because these features that you’re designing … every little minute feature has an impact on the social media is a whole.

(It’s) not just that you moderate, but how the moderation is done.

It’s something we have to be mindful of every day – in modern social media, nothing exists in a vacuum. Every decision can affect a person, how they relate to others and how others relate to them. No matter how small or seemingly insignificant, we have (and take seriously) a duty to be thoughtful about these things.

Take a listen, tell me what you think!

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