I was pleased to publish an Op-Ed with Fortune earlier today, taking a look at the challenges posed by social media and why I feel uniquely qualified to meet them with Hedgehog.
One point from the piece I wanted to come back to here, though:
“It’s fair to say that the more extreme ends of the spectrum won’t like us very much because we challenge their orthodoxy–and aren’t especially gentle about it. But for the reasonable middle–those among you who actually want to discuss, debate, and solve problems–we want to offer a place to engage productively, without favoring one point of view or falling victim to bland “bothsidesism.”
It’s really the essence of Hedgehog, and the work I’m trying to do writ large – creating a place for people of good will who want to engage in productive debate. Someplace where we can agree to disagree and talk about solutions instead of assign blame.
Check out the full piece at Fortune, love to hear what you think!