Op-Ed: ‘With AI, Humanity We’d Rather Not See’

I was excited to publish an Op-Ed with DC Journal this morning on AI – its promises, its pitfalls, and our own unique experience exposing AI tools to the general public.

One point worth revisiting here, though:

“(When) we ask AI for something, what it gives back largely reflects society’s deeply rooted preconceptions. In other words — we shouldn’t be shocked when we don’t like the results.”

We see it again and again – AI systems do “bad” things, but there’s no acknowledgement that they’re just reflecting the data on which they were trained. It’s something important to keep in mind as we learn about what AI can do, and how to keep it from doing things we don’t like.

Check out the full piece at DC Journal here, and let me know what you think!

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Further reading

Can’t We Do Better?

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